lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Vladek Spiegelman; lessons for a life of struggling

As I progressed in story I used to get more and more interested in the aspects of the personality of Vladek Spiegelman. My first surprise was in the very first chapter, when Art arrives home crying because his friends left him alone. I thought “what is he talking about? How a father could say such rough and insensible words to a child? ” However, very soon we start understating the good reasons he had to say something like that.

At the beginning of the story he seems like a very grumpy old man, however, the more you get into the novel, the more you notice such clever and resourceful man (or mouse) he was. Moreover, his personality seems to be transformed through and after the war. For example the lack of food and resources made him very cautious, so he always keep chocolate or money since he knew his wife’s family and the luxury life they used to enjoy. These things make me to think about how important can be to have a “contingency plan”. All these decisions helped him to survive. Vladek was always a fighter. He constantly was struggling for life. When he lost one way to make money he always found another one, he worked so hard and he never gave up.

One of the most shocking moments related his fight to survive, was when he had to tell that to Anja.

Finally, “his experiences have left him scarred emotionally, causing him to live selfish, conservative life similar to how he lived during the Holocaust” (Mclovin111, 2013)  he was betrayed for some people that he used to consider as friends and in those moments is when we can understand why he said those words to his son. He want him to be prepared for the hard moments that life puts us on the way. I strongly believe that we can get really good lesson from this touching novel.

Maus Vladek Character Analysis (Mclovin111, 2013)

2 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with you in the sense that Vladek is the one who has to be in charge of leading and being responsible for a family that is going through so much. Even though for some people the way he does seem shocking.He is preparing her son for surviving in the real life. I strongly believe that is the main role of a father, to prepare your kids for the world outside their bubbles, to understand that sometimes you have it all but others you have to work really hard to get to have something.Very interesting post.

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